We are always looking to expand this information to make your visits as smooth as possible so if there is anything that you don’t see but would have liked to see here then please let us know.
Also, if there is a restaurant, shop, walk, site of interest or anything that you have visited and would like to recommend to other guests, just send the information and we’ll do our best to include your recommendations.
- In the Gites
- Wifi
- Bins and Recycling
- Secure Areas
- European SOS
- Pharmacies
- Emergency Siren
- Shopping
- Markets
- Restaurants
- Starter for Site Seeing
- Understanding the French Emergency Services (more than just 112)
In the Gites
Wifi : Bbox-342E12E2 Password: xx49 CzPW 62ph DcTh P3
Bins and Recycling : There are bins on the side of the road in front of the gites just to the left on the corner. One bin will accept all recyclable plastic, tins, cans and paper/cardboard (small enough to fit through the hatch) and the other will accept general household waste bagged.
Glass recycling is scattered around the area but if you find it difficult to get to then please feel free to place your glass bottles in the black bin to the right of the steps up to the front gate.
Secure Areas : There are two secure areas on the site that you are welcome to use during your visit with us. One is under the terrace and can be used for bicycle, ski equipment or generally sports equipment storage. The second is under the main building, the cellar!, and contains the washing machines, a shower/wet room, a toilet and an area for storage of muddy boots etc.
There is a ‘SMOL’ tin which contains washing machine detergent (either tablets or sheets), they are environmental and suitable for use with the septic tank. You are welcome to use the machines and detergent but please consider making a small contribution for the convenience.
Codes to the padlocks will be provided on request for your visit, the codes change regularly. Please also bear in mind that other guests may have valuable equipment in the under terrace storage area particularly so keep the area locked when not in use.
European SOS 112
The number 112 can be dialled to reach emergency services – medical, fire and police – from anywhere in Europe. This Pan-European emergency number 112 can be called from any telephone (landline, pay European SOS 112phone or mobile cellular phone). Calls are free. It can be used for any life-threatening situation, including:
- Serious medical problems (accident, unconscious person, severe injuries, chest pain, seizure)
- Any type of fire (house, car)
- Life-threatening situations (crimes)
- Information on the 112 number from the European Commission website
There is more information on understanding the emergency services and police in France at the end of the pack along with a little help on emergency words and phrases in french.
Pharmacies/Chemist/Drug Store
Pharmacies are generally open from Monday to Saturday from 08:30 to 19:30. Many pharmacies close between 12:00 and 14:00, although in shopping centers and large towns, pharmacies will stay open non-stop. At least one local pharmacy will be open on Sundays. Details of and schedule for this “duty pharmacy” (pharmacie de garde) can be found in every pharmacy window, in local newspapers or by contacting the local commissariat.
To find a duty pharmacy online go to http://www.3237.fr/ and enter or validate your area postcode when prompted and choose the time a pharmacy is required
Nearest pharmacies :
Pharmacie Birot, 12 Rue du 8 Mai 1945, 65130 Capvern, France
Pharmacie Lafayette, 276 Rue du Huit Mai 1945, 65300 Lannemezan, France
There are several in Bagneres de Bigorre :
36 Rue du Maréchal Foch, 65200 Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France
6 place Lafayette, Rue Pasteur et 1, 65200 Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France
1 Rue des Thermes, 65200 Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France
2 Pl. Achille Jubinal, 65200 Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France
Emergency siren
We mention this because it was a shock the first time we heard it!!
Nationwide, every first Wednesday of the month at noon (12:00), the emergency sirens which operate nationwide are tested.
The sirens can be heard wailing as they are tested in three sequences of 1 minute 41 seconds each, separated by a silence of five seconds.
If the situation arises outside of this time, information about what to do will be provided by the France Inter or France Info radio stations.
The nearest supermarkets are …
Carrefour : Av. de Bagnères, 65190 Tournay, France
Intermarche : 3150 D817, 65130 Capvern, France (Many other shops including electrical, home, garage)
- Bagneres-de-Bigorre: market Saturday all day (12km)
- Tarbes: market Thursday all day (23km)
- Montrejeau: market Monday (24km)
- Arreau: market Thursday all day (24km)
- Lourdes: market Wednesday & Tuesday & Thursday all day & Saturday all day & Monday & Friday (27km)
- Loures-Barousse: market Friday (28km)
- Rabastens-de-Bigorre: market Monday (32km)
- Saint-Lary-Soulan: market Saturday (33km)
- Vic-en-Bigorre: market Saturday all day (34km)
- Boulogne-sur-Gesse: market Wednesday (35km)
LA FONTAINE https://www.facebook.com/p/Restaurant-La-Fontaine-100040749853435/
EL CHIRINGUITO https://www.facebook.com/elchiringuito.chezgeena/ (An article about our local restaurant https://www.ladepeche.fr/2022/05/14/el-chiringuito-chez-geena-de-lannemezan-a-mauvezin-10294537.php)
AUBERGE DE L’ARROS https://auberge-arros.com/ walkable from the gites, only available for lunch
CHATEAU DE MAUVEZIN : The medieval Mauvezin Castle sits just above the gites, 3km drive or a hike through woodland. https://www.chateaudemauvezin.fr/en/
ABBAYE DE L’ESCALDIEU : The abbey on the pilgrimage route is visible below from the gites … again it’s short walk or shorter (timewise) drive www.abbaye-escaladieu.com
Page in the building phase !!!!
- In the event of an emergency dial the appropriate number:
- medical (SAMU) 15,
- police 17,
- fire and accident 18 or
- the Pan-European number 112
- Explain the situation to the operator (English may be spoken but there is no guarantee). Calls to 112 are received by either SAMU or the fire brigade and then instantly rerouted to the appropriate service or handled on the spot
The services reached by dialling 15 and 18 operate in conjunction, with the emergency teams having skills, training and facilities suitable to many situations. “Firefighters” are qualified to provide first rescue and ambulance services.
Medical emergencies and accidents (SAMU)
SAMU: The Emergency Medical Assistance Service (Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence) reached by dialling 15 or 112. There is always a qualified doctor on hand to determine the most suitable response to a call and implement it. This may involve giving the caller information or advice, or sending the appropriate emergency vehicle:
- an ambulance for a street accident or home emergency
- a private ambulance
- a mobile resuscitation or intensive care vehicle or medical helicopter
SMUR: The mobile emergency resuscitation service (Service Mobile d’Urgence et de Réanimation, SMUR) vehicles are equipped with at least one qualified emergency doctor, a nurse and a paramedic. H-MICU: In the case of serious accident or severe illness a Hospital Mobile Intensive Care Unit (H-MICU), (UMH-Unité Mobile Hospitalière) is sent. This is a rapid intervention vehicle or helicopter equipped to provide full hospital-standard life support services. The French approach is to treat the emergency on-site and vehicles and personnel are equipped and trained for this. The reason is that recovery rates are found to be much higher when a victim is treated as soon as possible.
Sapeurs-pompiers (firefighters and first rescue)
The sapeurs-pompiers are the firefighters of France, supervised and trained by the Ministry of the Interior (Ministère de l’Intérieur). Firefighting brigades work closely with SAMU and are trained and equipped to respond to fires, auto accidents and emergency medical situations. They include professional (SPP), health and medical (SSSM) and volunteer (SVP) brigades.
- More information from the Pompiers website
Understanding the French Police Services
National Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie Nationale): The military police force operating under management by the French Ministry of Defence (Ministère de la Défense). It is responsible for policing the countryside, rivers and coastal areas, and small towns which fall outside the jurisdiction of the Police Nationale. The force is also authorised to carry out criminal investigations, crowd control and security activities of airports and military locations and attend ceremonial and state occasions.
National Police (Police Nationale): The civil law enforcement agency of France, with jurisdiction over cities and large towns. The National Police comes under the management of the Ministry of the Interior (Ministère de l’Intérieur) and is responsible for security operations (patrols, traffic control, identity checks) and conducting criminal enquiries.
Local Municipal Police (Police Municipale): Responsible for local policing in towns and villages, law enforcement, lost property and handling minor traffic or domestic offences.
Emergency Words and Terminology
English | French |
Accident | Un accident |
I have had an accident | J’ai eu un accident |
Injured | Blessé(e) |
Unconscious | Perdre connaissance |
Bleeding | Hémorragie |
Heart attack | Crise cardiaque |
Stroke | AVC (Un accident vasculaire cérébral) (pronounced “a vaiy caiy”) |
Drowning | Noyade (se noyer) |
Burn | Brûlure |
Very sick | Très malade |
In labour/having contractions | Avoir des contractions |
I am in labour | Je suis en train d’accoucher |
Need a doctor | Besoin d’un médecin (Il me faut un médecin) |
Need an ambulance | Besoin d’une ambulance (Il me faut une ambulance) |
Fire | Feu |
The house is on fire | La maison a pris feu |
The car is on fire | La voiture a pris feu |
Burglar/intruder | Cambrioleur/Intrus |
I am being burgled | Je suis en train de me faire cambrioler |
Someone is in the house | Quelqu’un est chez moi (Quelqu’un est entré par effraction chez moi) |
Emergency | Une urgence |
Help me | Aidez moi |
Help! | Au secours |